Modern Goddess Oracle Deck Review

I recently purchased a new oracle deck and I love it!  I have been using it on a regular basis.  So let’s chat about it!

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I found this deck on Amazon and I’ll be honest, Ive had it in my saved for later cart, for a VERY long time.  I finally felt the call to pull the trigger and purchased it as a birthday gift to myself, this March.  And Im so glad I did.

Modern Goddess Oracle

The Modern Goddess Oracle is a 65 card deck, with 49 goddesses, 16 empowering archetypes and a thick guide book full of empowering guidance.  It is so well written and the art work is beautiful!

Deck Blurb

This deck brings ancient goddesses into the current era with all the challenges, technology and complexities of life.  Their core characteristics remain the same, but their appearances and viewpoints have evolved, allowing you to bring them into your everyday life and spiritual practice.

I love that the guide book gives you a little blurb about the goddess/archetype.  The guidance provided is also broken down into divination (card drawn right side up) meaning as well as shadow (card drawn upside down) meaning.  Plus, ways in which you can incorporate the guidance into your life. Not to mention, every card pull has been spot on with the guidance Ive needed at that time.

If you’re looking for a modern take this is the deck for you!

Before I end it today, I thought I’d leave you with a little guidance for you to go about your day.

Message for you today

**Every card pull I do for the blog is always intended for the collective.  Take what resonates and leave the rest.  This is strictly for entertainment purposes.

Todays message comes from The Witch.  It is a reminder to remember who you are and that you have the power to create the life you want.  “You are being asked to get into the drivers seat of your life and start steering.”  It’s time to start acting towards those dreams of yours rather than sitting on the sidelines wishing.

I hope this leaves you with a little empowering punch to remember who you are and go after the things you desire!  You are worthy and deserving of having all your dreams come true!


My Top 6 Favorite Oracle Decks